Sunday, November 30, 2014



I have never lived up to what I wanted to in this medium (blogspot). But then again, in truth, this was the bottom of all my planned workings: physical media, analog audio, hand made items have been so much the priority instead of a screen. Which is already what I do for work, stare at a screen. It can be so horrible to think of looking at I just a few more minutes but I am racing off to my last free night of no work the next day out of 4 off. Feels good, but the dread of going back to work I've a hard time accepting. The work is not overly hard once you get it its just dealing with so many different kinds of personage: is really very hard for me to cope with.

So here are some official statements from the Shrouded Recordings Collective::
--since last update or ramble these things have happened....

Shrouded Recordings has flipped itself into a very small (on purpose) all cassette only tiny tape label and zine haus; away from just being a thing I do for only my projects.

So moving forward you will see (-00) with a minus stating it was before I flipped it. And a (+00) sign where it was post-flip.

Mid-October saw the first official release under the new the new format with the #001- C-46 split tape by Vomir/SBTDOH 'Pull Away From Society'

Late-October saw the release of #002- C-15 by SBTDOH of 'numb' a very sad tape focusing as an environmental response from the SBTDOH heart over the murder of a beautiful tree, multiple years old. I adored it in my life as it was right outside my living space. I couldn't do a thing about it. The first parts of destruction by humans of a beloved part of true nature left me totally numb.

*C-17 -tape out on: Sleeping Gods Label (Canada): 'gargantuan' by SBTDOH

*C-20- Shrouded Recordings cassette tape release of 'Knife Play' the first non-sbtdoh release on tape.

*C-60 Shrouded Recordings release of : Dead Body Collection/ SBTDOH split tape hopefully sometime in early January

*Shrouded Recordings Zine #2 due to be out early January. Expanded with more interviews, more cassette tape reviews as well as the first issue with artwork exclusively given to Shrouded Recordings by a heavy hitting noise arts, as well as an exclusive new annual part of the zine of having and individual Label focus.

*Late January/early February issue #002 of the 'Mental Health handbook'

---Later in the winter more releases by SBTDOH in the 'Death' series, more split tapes and new artists releases by Shrouded Recordings.

Friday, September 26, 2014


after making an ass of myself by printing, and assembling and hand numbering 100 copies of my first edition of this new zine i noticed a spelling misprint on the front page. well i fixed all 100 in my own way and shrouded recordings is so happy to present this to you........$1.00 or trade...

looking for contributors for upcoming TAPE ZINE from shrouded recordings.....please contact with any interest at all......

Friday, September 12, 2014

this was just written as a self introduction email, but then i realized...... is a good state ment of where i am at today 09/12/2014 9.35pm pacific coast time:


so hi my name is brian. i started just self releasing suff under the name of SBTDOH in may. i had just come out of 2 bands ending and was starting a new 2 piece that i thought had a shit to on potential and was really ready to do.....then we lost our practice space.
in the meantime i started working more on this idea ive had for years of a one man band being able to do whatever, whenever etc. it was all up to me if anything happened.
and i got really into it. hard. and i started also to want to get into zine making again and find ways to help with fighting severe manic depression and a whole giant list of other medical and mental issues, including severe nerve pain left over from this weird neurological disorder that has come back for me that originally happened years ago.
so. as of last week the 'new' bands drummer left and since i only wanted to do a two piece and many neat and humbling things have come out of what ive started on my own i have decided to pursue the one man band and 3 zines-making with all of my free time or time where i can do whatever i want..
so i have first released a few albums but after the first had this total vision of an 18 part progression on the topic of death. exploring it through sounds and imagery etc. i make everything by hand start to finish by myself. music, art, duplication, assembly, and so on myself. all done with the heart and hand. i started my first zine and had two very successful interviews with sam from the rita and ted from negative paper assembly. i also did cassette only reviews and started a stupid blog of ramblings but has some musings from time to time but my main focus is physical objects. no 'on-line' releases. no mega blog but rather 3 different zines.
i have no launched 'shrouded recordings' as the overhead of all things. the first zine goes by that title and has seemed, though very simple and minimalistic, to have got some others interests in it.
this fall i start with release #001 of shrouded recordings which is a vomir/sbtdoh c-46 release. i have all the music done. all the art done and printed and about 1/3rd of the total packaging done. once that is complete i will releases it. i have a tape compilation of music by one of my best friends ever coming together as release  #2 it will be a hopefully very cathartic and personal release to me as until i began all these things i had spent close to a year in total self destruction following his unexpected death. for release #3 there is a few different possible things a foot but nothing solid yet.
i am going to start numbering my self released albums in the negative back so as to unify the cycle thus far.
i have conceptualized completed and printed my second zine all on mental health through picture collages. i am dedicated to the cut-n paste art form and will continue with that for as far as i can see.
i used to take many pictures know how to set up a darkroom etc but i have let those skills be lost. i hope to regain them and go back to using photographs i have taken and then placed together with cut-n paste art soon for all my tape covers. i am dedicated to analog format as i love it so intensely and i never see myself ever being able to fund a vinyl release, nor do i know if i want to. i adore the cassette and plan on my third active zine to be totally dedicated to 'tape hoarding' in every way possible.
i have 3 splits coming up on 3 different labels i am very humbled to be asked to be a part of. those will come with time. some music for that is done. some is not...but all are a helpful and engaging step away from my initial run of the series of 18 as envisioned.
i have not released the metal health zine as it is only being done in a run of hand numbered and assembled 100pc.i am currently about 1/2 way though the assembly of those
most everything can be found here:  i am open to trading any of it. i also do small runs of other artistic pieces that i do not formally ''release" but rather use as extras in orders or trades.
as well. i am working very hard to establish a very dedicated group of folks to be part of a monthly to bi-monthly trading of mix tapes, zines, art, found objects and the like. i have a handful of folks ready to go and am still in the inquiry stage of seeing how this might work. i would love it if everyone was dedicated to a list of people that they all would send packages to consistently as a way of amazing pen- pallery and better days through mail.
if you are interested in that i can mark you down for when it starts. right now i have been just doing trades with folks getting to know them and then get an idea if they would want to commit to being part of a fun, consistent trading and networking of physical things not computer screens. yuck!

glad to have had the chance to introduce myself i would be thrilled if we could come to an agreement of a trade where the only money spent is on postage!  i love that concept and repeat it as much as i can.
take care.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

figured out my life goal

i want to look like a hoarder but it be all recording gear pedals and tapes....i think thats my life goal.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

not shitty

i want more trades. i got a trade from a person ------- we traded art. tapes. random objects. and it made my day so interesting!! instead of.......................stay in bed as long as humanly possible..........................get up get to work barely on time, wait till that HELL is over, come home and do things i want to do................................ instead because i live right near my work................................on purpose so as to save money for better things than transportation expenses....................................................came home to a rad package......................................i of course placed parts of it in my bag so if i had a second or two i could look at them. now im home happy listening to tapes of stuff ive never heard. and gonna put up some of the one of a kind handmade/homemade posters i got then fold up some more of my new zine then record for a while for an upcoming split ive been asked to submit parts to for a split/comp until i decide im to tired to function any more then go back to bed....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i want more<<<<<<<<<<<<<.....i hope something comes in the mail tomorrow to treasure!!!  wanna play?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


the best things in life dont come from a computer. but i use it to my advantage and in that some really good things are a foot. i just had my biggest 1 day mail out $58.58 yep even the boring usps guy laughed at the price as i think i made him a bit nervous handing him package after package of cut-n paste art all over the packages that some would find 'unpleasant.'
so. neat things are coming. write a letter and ill write you back about it and send you free stuffing's.

Friday, August 22, 2014

shrouded recordings zine #1 (printed)

starts shipping 09/01/2014

interviews with the rita and negative paper assembly. all cassette tape reviews of no dreams, hell and more....

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

zine in print

due to a ton of reasons i have scrapped my first go at a physical zine and am going forward with the material i had for the second and have gathered since i started. in print reviews will be out soon, then i plan on moving forward with the next print zine as well as having monologues on this site etc......take care.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

tape trading

i want to get a good tape trading rally going. i have created a new double release tape of 'the gateway doublet'  it is a tape up for trade with others who want to receive more mail. each one may be unique or very similar. some may contain a special mix tape from my music collection, some may receive other things.  i can only afford to do this within the lower 48 states as I cannot afford to ship overseas. the pricing has killed me and if someone wants to help set up a network over there to get some trading going I might consider a occasional package shipped but it needs to be to someone i can trust will distribute tapes and participate in the fun of getting new tapes in the mail.


C-64 solid black tape containing both full albums from the gateway doublet dual release (sounds for mass extinction & non-selective genocide) this will also become my 'trade tape' anyone interested please get in contact. simple solid black art with minimal info. this will be a larger unnumbered run as opposed to the earlier hand numbered releases. all handmade and comes with a free sticker & button.

please contact me about trades. i am looking for HNW,ANW, drone, black metal, blackened anything, dark music, etc. id love to get a network going of folks to have an active musical exchange going with.

i still love the mix tape. i want to make them with one of a kind art. search depths, feelings, emotions, terror etc with each other. i want to make things and send them away to people and get them back. i want to have awesome things going to help me forget the fucked up world we live in.....

-the hermit.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Abandoned and deserted places...

based off a thread on a forum page i am envisioning a project that is a collaborative multi-sensory  artifact. here is a basic call to others i wrote in the forum. please get a hold of me f you would like to work on it....we will chat more:

---i dont know of any in portland that i could get into to record/play but i am utterly fascinated to the point of researching this every day recently. obsessively printing out tons and tons of pictures. i could of easily placed this on my recent list of obsessions. almost all of my recent album artwork has gone this direction and i see no stopping of that anytime soon. there are even some shows/ documentaries on it on netflicks if you have this topic. i rallied straight through everything i could find. i love the idea of post mass deserted places, how nature will take back over human scum and its just amazing to see places humans spent hours planning building, doing things in that are just totally vacated now. if i could, id just go to those places rather than human occupied zones. a recording session/ show would thrill me.

 I would love to do a project fully based around this topic....any collaborators want to do a project? how cool would it be if we did one of those bigger tape cases with like 3 or 4 tapes from various artists? get some photographers in on it to and some amazing imagery or prints to go with the release. so you would get sound and vision! i would be way into this idea. how else can we evoke another sense to the project?  if anyone would like to do this i would be willing to head up the collaboration and do many things if there were others who would also dedicate time to this idea.
im thinking like a companion booklet or individual prints.
or other suggestions. please hit me up if you would like to be a part of a collaborative project!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

i posted this on a board......

.....and was told it was inspiring. which always makes me tremble and happy etc. a fluttering of emotions.  anyways:

i have played in more traditional bands for years and always was planning on doing a 'noise, anw, hnw, etc' project someday. for me its been the best thing ever to happen. finally after devoting years to cancelled practices, members getting hooked on shitty drugs and leaving, new members coming and going, trying to maintain something magical that happened at a practice and translate that to a show in a room that you have never played in with people you realize you don't know that much in front of folks waiting to see another band, or maybe your band, and then awkwardly trying to keep dignity composure, etc...i think anyone who has been in a 'band' can relate to what I am trying to describe.

well. as much as i miss the 'brotherhood or whatever' of playing with others. starting finally on a project where its 100% in my hands whether anything happens, gets played, recorded, documented by tape or whatever etc is so much more fulfilling I really now wish i started years ago when i first had these urges.

in the short time i have had my current one-man-band thing going i have made amazing contacts all over the world. received and sent mail to multiple countries, let alone within the one im in.met some very beautiful sincere folks and have traded, sold, gave away, randomly sent lots of things. things i made all with my hands. from start to finish. its fucking so much more fulfilling right now than 20 plus years of being in traditional bands, touring, playing thousands of shows.

to me, its all about the process and the individual person. for me. i record, copy, make and distribute EVERYTHING all on my own. all with my own hands. its been the best thing to battle long term massive depression i have ever done, better than pills, alcohol, etc.

noise for me is perfect and of course that is just me. but that is the point. i always said in bands and ive continued it into solo noise "if its something i would like and want to play/listen to etc then its worth my time."

to me the "other" is out there and if i am to come into interaction then fucking great, but if not, im at peace with it. i cannot express how strongly i feel about this right now. i dont have to impress anyone, in noise you can fully be yourself in what you produce, how you present it, how much of it you give away, trade, sell, etc.

i adore the interpersonal interactions i have had. i love how ive been pushed to reconsider multitudes of things through sounds, art, etc.

if you do noise for the love of it, like anything else i can think of, you are doing it right.

i hope this makes some sense.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

2 new sbtdoh and vomir split news


"the gateway doublet":
08/01/2014--sounds for mass extinction c-32
08/02/2014--non-selective genocide c-32

up next for early fall release: VOMIR & SBTDOH split release

all will be available at and through SBTDOH bandcamp page


The mid summer has brought the “gateway doublet” from SBTDOH. 2 full length cassette tapes (c-32) 4 songs of exploratory hostile sounds. Both tapes are issued by SBTDOH in handmade packaging and in extremely limited artifact runs. This will bring to pause the 18 album run of SBTDOH on the topic of death. Next will bring the mighty VOMIR into interaction with SBTDOH in a split tape for early fall.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

hand it over....

quick update.
listening to the rita "escorting" 3xlp one amazing piece thats a treasure id save in a fire.

so im compiling all the dark noise to hopefully print up the first issue shortly. i had a recent emergency oral surgery. that was great.

im cutting up currently the outters to my release on 08/01 3 of 18 deaths

im usually monologing about something so if you need it lets talk. otherwise im just gonna listen to music alone in my little world.

have a great night. thanks fur checking.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

well....i didn't die. i made it through the surgery. i just cannot sleep less than like 17 hours at a time right now.. getting back into work, real-life things that make things tollerable, sleep, repeat will be hard/ especially cause nothing feels right.   except the music.
 right now: coffee, orange juice, water (the key is to always be drinking 3 things at one!) listening to thou "heathen" it is so fucking good.  i slept into 4.30pm. i was listening to vomir from about 10.30pm lst night until 4.30 pm today.....i like him....!  im a mess. lurking like 5 different things at the same time on the internet.  (musical creep)

thats it. for those that care. i made it through surgery. now i just lay around in pain for days waiting for things to get "better" ha ha......if anyone even knows what better is......

Friday, July 11, 2014

ser-her sole departure....

ser listen here

I give up. i cannot do fancy internet things....go here:

Ok. I fell asleep and woke up to the last 5 minutes of this album.. now I just listened to the album twice again. The way this music makes me feel is exactly what I need right now. I am so sad. so disapointed with life in a billion ways. I'm trying to keep my head down my mouth shut and just get by unnoticed and if there was a soundtrack for me doing that right now that would be this. 
if I could make music like this I would, but the key is (at least for me) NEVER do that. make it your own way, then let if flow though you, and you might get lucky and have the same feelings, just found a totally different way.
anyways this group is amazing. I am going to ask them if they would be interested in a review. I would be so proud to have them be in my zine! and to work with them somehow!
These are big steps for an agoraphobic. but I am happy to do this right now. plus my sister was just texting me pictures of the sunset cause she knew i wouldn't go out to see it. i used to try to watch the sunset everyday. that was beat out of me......hard. so thanks Amy for doing that and have a great time camping tomorrow.....

my body hates me

well as per totally on time. I try something to change my life and something in my body freaks out.  I have to have 2 teeth extracted asap. they were gonna do it with me awake.....a....fuck i just got finished redoing all my appointments, cause I can barely stay in a dentist chair for a cleaning, let along total extraction. especially since 1 tooth is broken completely off down to the gums....what they gonna do?? carve it out???? fuck i don't wanna be awake for that. Ill risk death by being placed under. if I die. just play Sunno0))))) & Vomir for hours and hours as loud as possible. And have no talking, just loud music for an hour or two. then light me on fire.   And try to be kind and gentle to everyone. I am super anti-human yes, but that doesn't give me an excuse to act just like all those I hate that have made me this way. 

so its 2.45 pm  i decided to have a beer, I know I'm a semi alcoholic. I prolly haven't been drunk in months and months, but i do drink a beer or two almost every day to calm nerves. 

I'm currrently giving 'Deafest' a run through right now.  I wanted to try something new as I was doing shit in my room.   But I will highly recommend. "Ser." Listened all the way though the recorded output last night and man I really like what they are doing. I would love to review them, or interview that kind of stuff. so good! I am still struggling with the question of should I write them to ask for things or should I wait till folks find me out. This whole adventure is about all of that. How will I collect me info for my zine?

Ser really helped this manic depressive through a bad night. I am getting a few more emails about people sending stuff and I have received back 2 interviews. They could not be further apart in the reaction to my questions. Quite interesting. Lots to think about. But I really appreciate each person taking the time to do it for me. Really getting excited about the printed physical zine.

So I cannot work (my paid job) until a while now cause of the surgery, hey 3rd major one in 3 years!!!!!....fuck me I need just 1 week to go well, I cannot even get that.....

Well. I hope to record a lot of pain in these next few days. The emotions I am feeling all will feed into my wall I am going to be working on. I have decided just to do 2 songs for the next release. I know the title, will release it soon.   Basically have all the artwork, have side 1 totally done. Just need #2 to hit me in a sence of finality

I plan on doing some other recording right now since I got at least a week of off work time, granted much of it will be in pain time, but remember i dont really watch tv.   So this would be a great time to get me to do a split or a song for a comp or something. Im here. I got my whole set up out and ready to go. So, I will be doing a bunch of recording for myself. but will gladly uses this time for other things.

Until then hail the drone, hail the wall, fuck idols and leaders....i hope to be alive next time this week, but this could be it for me....i might be dead a week from now if the surgery goes bad.........

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

home not at work -07/09/2014

listening to= sortilegia

got sent home from work. broke back tooth in half last night after band practice some how....very bad pains.  go to dentist tomorrow to get worked on.  my teeth are such a mess.  oh well. now listening to music after got home slept for 5 to 6 hours which felt amazing. don't know how i did it....prolly from the pain.

so im here now...don't have much to share.   but sortilegia

really looking forward to getting first batch of albums to review. hope i can do everyone well. 
shrouds first show is in 1-1/2 weeks and sbtdoh i hope to get more work on tonight or tomorrow. i just cannot bring myself to watching tv.   i always feel like im wasting time I could be investing in music: listening, doing, tape planned release is expected august 1. first side of tape is done. i have the 'general art' ready, need to put it all together and decide what i am using on side #2.

oh yeah--i made sbtdoh bio sheets last night....those will be interesting getting out there...

take care.... brian.

Monday, July 7, 2014


listening to as writing this:
-the rita 'dark angled eyebrow'
-in vacuo 'you pilot' note: first ever listen---got for free in a pile of records I got....dont really think its my thing...prolly won't make it to the second side.

drinking: pbr - 16 oz can

just got off work, sitting on the floor in my beloved room. in front of a fan with 1 little light on.

funny thing ill start this rant with is the honest to fuck truth that 7inches just aren't my thing.  i mean i own and hunt down constantly full length lps, but there is just something about 7inches, i love that they are there, but I just haven't ever been a big fan...there i said it now the world knows.  i don't think ive ever told anyone that before.

so fuck 07/07/14  bad day--fuck work sucked.  being a treasure hunter is not all its cracked up to be. and despite  my brand new vomir shirt which im so excited to have, i just struggled rising above the negativity of the day.

on a good note i got my order of the next wave of 100 tapes to be released into the world.....(pause changing record)

now playing: 'to chaos wizard youth' -thou (first listen since i finally bought the 10 inch....yes i struggle with this format too..blah blah

ahhhh.....more my style...... well anyways....yesterday i mapped out my next 16 albums.  im 2 releases into my exploration of death. man. having all 16 titles down and the conception all there felt really good. its in my book that i carry with me in the bag i take with me everywhere.. thinking over if I should share them or not. prolly will wait and see how this whole blog experiment goes.  im just trying to do something....i would like to see it grow into what id like it to be.....but for now....rants...i have quite a few responses from folks i really respect who ive never met who might be doing the interview questions. ill be thrilled if i get to do them!!!
i think they are non-shitty band/arty they will either be ignored, mocked or taken as a fresh break from some unthoughtful person who just asks the same ole questions.....when i was younger, i thought about journalism, but i was so uncreative back then. it horrifies me now....i mean i might of seemed somewhat creative. but i wasnt  and when you know something know its true.

quick note.....i listen to the same sides of albums 2 to 5 times before flipping a record...if i love it...i developed this years ago...its just how i digest records.....god damn i wanna go record hunting.  i wanna go to second ave so bad but $$$ is so tight>>>>> nope.. fuck.

so..  i spend a ton of time alone. this leads to great creations and existential moments and it also leads to tons of depression, loneliness and recently....anger. so I hope to eventually start interacting with people at some point,,,,,but that is prolly a ways off....for now.......i hope to by reviewing zines!  reviewing tapes!  reviewing records!!! man I wanna do it so bad....but I have no idea how to get folks to send me stuff to review...i guess i wait.  i am thinking im just gonna start writing reviews of stuff i get the feeling that there isnt much reviewing of....and go from there. for three days i have been thinking of writing a review of msw.....this hell side project. fuck its so good.

anyways...i dont wanna talk anymore right now except make another announcement...fuck i love thou....they just got something so special.
anyways.....take care and i hope to figure out this more. cause i really wanna share pictures and all types of shit.


Friday, July 4, 2014


welcome to the new creation of sbtdoh collectives blogspot "shrouded recordings". this is a platform from which will come random rants, genuine album reviews, thoughts on days, moths, years. specific infomation on sbtdoh recording output and all associated.