Sunday, November 30, 2014



I have never lived up to what I wanted to in this medium (blogspot). But then again, in truth, this was the bottom of all my planned workings: physical media, analog audio, hand made items have been so much the priority instead of a screen. Which is already what I do for work, stare at a screen. It can be so horrible to think of looking at I just a few more minutes but I am racing off to my last free night of no work the next day out of 4 off. Feels good, but the dread of going back to work I've a hard time accepting. The work is not overly hard once you get it its just dealing with so many different kinds of personage: is really very hard for me to cope with.

So here are some official statements from the Shrouded Recordings Collective::
--since last update or ramble these things have happened....

Shrouded Recordings has flipped itself into a very small (on purpose) all cassette only tiny tape label and zine haus; away from just being a thing I do for only my projects.

So moving forward you will see (-00) with a minus stating it was before I flipped it. And a (+00) sign where it was post-flip.

Mid-October saw the first official release under the new the new format with the #001- C-46 split tape by Vomir/SBTDOH 'Pull Away From Society'

Late-October saw the release of #002- C-15 by SBTDOH of 'numb' a very sad tape focusing as an environmental response from the SBTDOH heart over the murder of a beautiful tree, multiple years old. I adored it in my life as it was right outside my living space. I couldn't do a thing about it. The first parts of destruction by humans of a beloved part of true nature left me totally numb.

*C-17 -tape out on: Sleeping Gods Label (Canada): 'gargantuan' by SBTDOH

*C-20- Shrouded Recordings cassette tape release of 'Knife Play' the first non-sbtdoh release on tape.

*C-60 Shrouded Recordings release of : Dead Body Collection/ SBTDOH split tape hopefully sometime in early January

*Shrouded Recordings Zine #2 due to be out early January. Expanded with more interviews, more cassette tape reviews as well as the first issue with artwork exclusively given to Shrouded Recordings by a heavy hitting noise arts, as well as an exclusive new annual part of the zine of having and individual Label focus.

*Late January/early February issue #002 of the 'Mental Health handbook'

---Later in the winter more releases by SBTDOH in the 'Death' series, more split tapes and new artists releases by Shrouded Recordings.